With enough attention, perhaps people will step up to foster these 136 traumatized beings who also lost their homes due to Hurricane Sandy.


Reuters is reporting that 136 unclaimed pets at the emergency Hurricane Sandy shelter operated by the ASPCA in Brooklyn may be in danger:

Most of the owners that the ASPCA has identified live in temporary housing or with family and friends, environments that prevent them from bringing their animals home, [ASPCA spokeswoman Kelly] Krause said. A majority of the owners who had yet to claim their pets lived in the hard-hit Rockaways neighborhood in Queens.


It was too early to say whether any of the pets that remain left behind would be put down, Krause said.

Another possibility for the unclaimed pets, besides the death thing, is the ASPCA dropping them off at the pound.  Which, you know, pffft.

Gee, if only the ASPCA could scrounge up the funds to take care of these pets for as long as needed.  But I guess their multi-million dollar bank account…

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Happy New Year Newsletter from Animal Communicator, Author Joan Ranquet

Here is my Happy New Year Newsletter! It is sprinkled with a little wildlife news, a little of my own news, upcoming trips and workshops too. Also, this newsletter has contributions by author Ann Jamieson and Margaret Ann Lembo. Ann’s story about Jamaica the rescue horse sent to slaughter that ended up winning the Combined Driving Championship and became 2008 Horse of the Year. Jamaica is a Breyer Horse Model! Ann Jamieson is the author of “For the Love of the Horse” series.

Also included is a wonderful crystal tip by author Margaret Ann Lembo on Dalmation Jasper, a stone of relationships! Particularly, connection with our animal companions! Margaret Ann Lembo is the author of “Chakra Awakening” and soon to be released “The Essential Guide to Crystals, Minerals and Stones” (Llewellyn).

I have information about Gorillas in Uganda, the upcoming trip to Uganda (want to join me?!) Information on the upcoming dolphin trip in the Bahamas, and lots of weekend workshops to learn animal communication.

If you haven’t already joined my newsletter, please do! Please click below for my newsletter:
